The Pool & Spa Doctor
Offering residential inground pool installation, renovation, repair and maintenance
Since 1979
(732) 681-0532
Office Hours:
Mon - Fri 9am -4pm
New Pools
If you can dream it we can build it! The Pool & Spa Doctor offers a series of standard size in-ground vinyl and fiberglass pools as well as any custom shape and size you desire. From initial consultation, we will explain all of your options in design and features, walk you through each step of the project and give you an accurate estimate that meets not only your time frame but your budget.
Depending on your needs, we offer a total turnkey installation including additional services such as masonry, landscaping, fencing, etc. We will work alongside your team to deliver a finished product that exceeds your expectations.
The decision to build a pool allows you to create a one of a kind environment for you and your family to come together and enjoy each other and build memories for years to come. Whether you envision lazy afternoons lounging by the pool, entertaining guests or hours of enthusiasm playing games and having birthday parties, the pool building process may seem complex and intimidating. The following pages below take you step by step from the first meeting, to the first swim. Building a pool should be an inspiring journey allowing you to express your individualized style and making a backyard escape tailored to your families needs.

How to Start the Process
Deciding to build a pool is exciting, talking it over with the entire family will help get you on the path to determining exactly what your family wants and needs. Do you envision a rectangle pool in your yard to maximize the swimming area, or are you looking for a natural free-form shape to complement the existing surroundings? How often will you be using the pool, and how much time will you have for maintenance and chemical balancing? How many people do you envision swimming in the pool regularly? Do you entertain guests at your residence often, or are you looking for a pool for just your family to enjoy? Answering these types of questions upfront will us evaluate your needs and create the best backyard escape for your family’s lifestyle.
The Initial Meeting:
The first step will be setting up a meeting with the owner to come out and take a look at the property and talk to you about what you want and your budget. At this time, we will also be asking for a current survey of the property. The survey will help us determine the location and size of the pool. Each town has different setbacks, requirements, and restrictions regarding the placement and size of not only the pool but the patio as well. Once we can determine what fits, we can start tailoring the design for you. This initial meeting is meant for you, and please ask as many questions as possible, no matter is too small to discuss. Some of the points to be addressed during the onsite visit are:
1) Location
2) Access
3) Tree Removal if necessary
4) Fence requirements
5) Elevation Issues- dirt removal, retaining wall
6) Ground Water
The New Pool Quote:
Once back at the office, after we know what we are working with, we will quote you on the various sizes and shapes that you are interested in. The quote has a basic pool package included in it for each pool. Then all of the equipment options, steps, and seating, water features, gas-electric, engineering, and township fees. Once the quote goes out to you, you can come in, and we can go over all of the options and pin down exactly what you want. This is also the time to go over your budget and time frame of the project.
Each town now has it's own requirements for pool installation. Many towns require a topography of the property that shows all elevations and the lot coverage, including the pool and patio. For some towns, we can do the engineering in house, while most require an engineering firm to come out to the house and draw up a new survey for you. This cost ranges from $1,150 - $3,500, depending on the town. You can use your engineer or use ours.
Contract & Permits:
Once we have gone over all the options we will have the final meeting and confirm all of options for your pool and sign the contract. At signing, we require a 10% deposit, this will start the permitting process. To begin the permit process, we will need the engineering topography and a set of sealed prints from the steel manufacturer depicting the final pool design. The permitting process is broken into 2 phases.
1) Zoning- The zoning department requires the topography, sealed prints, and your town's zoning application. This process may take up to 2 weeks. The fee for zoning also varies with the town, and some towns require an engineering fence to review the topography.
2) Construction- Once the zoning application is approved the application moves over to the building department. This may take 4-6 weeks, depending on how backed up the town is. The building department will review the construction permits, electrical permits, and plumbing permits. Once all of these are approved, the permit will be ready for pick up. The fees for the permits range from $800 - $2,500, depending on the town.
Exceptional cases that would need additional of special permitting are Variances and CAFRA applications. Each town has specific rules and regulations regarding the location, size and shape of the pools. If you are not in accordance with all of these, you will need a variance. Towns require the same surveys, but a representative from The Pool & Spa Doctor, and you will have to go to the variance board meeting and plead your case. CAFRA is only required when your property is located on a body of water, or you have an environmental easement that you are not following. CARFA requires a special permit and paperwork that must be approved before going to the township itself. CAFRA starts at around $5000.00 for the paperwork.
Once your permits are approved, your dig date will be scheduled pending weather.

Pool Options
Deciding on your pools shape is the first fundamental step in the design process. Here are some pictures to see the basic shapes of our pools. You have endless possibilities with Vinyl, you can customize any shape you want, or can imagine!

Building the Pool
We all understand that construction of the pool can seem overwhelming and confusing. Below is a basic timeline of you can expect during the construction of the pool.
DAY 1: Access needed
-Dig Pool
-Deliver all Pool Materials
-Build Pool
-Pour Concrete Collar (Collar Inspection req) -Install Pool Niche (Bond Inspection req)
-Install Bottom Drains (Bottom Drain Inspection req) -Set Equipment Pads, if possible
-Run Pool Lines, if possible
DAY 2 – DAY 7: Access needed
-Days vary depending on the scheduling of inspections -Set Equipment Pads
-Continue to Run lines
-Gas line installation (Gas Inspection req)
-Depending on the size of the steps and if you have benches, time will be spent filling them -Backfill the pool after the Collar & Bond inspection
-After the pool is backfilled Install Bond Grid (Bond Grid Inspection req)
Vermiculite Floor & Liner Installation
V-ing the floor and installing the liner will be done as soon as possible after the pool has been backfilled. As long as you know what pattern you want, we have agreed on the floor plan and there have been no changes we can pre-order the liner and have it ready for install. It takes (1) day to V, (1) day to install liner, and (1-2) days to fill the pool and cut the liner in.
Electrician After the install of the Equipment, our electrician will need to come and hook up the Salt panel and finalize all of the equipment hook ups.
Patio – Access needed
Depending on whom you use and their specific schedule this portion of the project will vary. If you get concrete, stamped concrete or Kool deck everything gets poured in one day, but there is a pre and follow up day for coping types and clean up.
Pavers and Natural stones will take longer for delivery, set up, install, cutting of any stone needed, coping install and clean up.
We recommend waiting 4 weeks after the install of the pool prior to putting any patio down to allow the backfilled portions of the pool to settle
Final Inspection – this gets done once everything is complete including the patio and fence. We ask that the homeowner schedule this inspection because some inspectors may need to access the house to inspect the electrical panel for the house.